
where to buy Clomiphene We are excited to begin 2020 with more community involvement. Whispering Prairie Press is a completely volunteer organization and we rely on the talent and hard work of our community members. Being a part of a literary press and creating two literary and art magazines can be a rewarding experience, personally and professionally. We understand that many people have packed schedules, so we created an opportunity for them to be a part of WPP in many different ways. We are looking for both short or longer term commitments of 1 to 3 months, for example, a single event or participation in a series of activities and projects. People with more extended experience might participate by joining our board. There are also editorial opportunities for Kansas City Voices and Kansas City Voices Youth magazines, including poetry, prose and art editorial positions, magazine lay out and submissions building. We are happy to work with your university to make this a college credit internship.

These are the current areas we need volunteers the most:

  • Social Media
  • Website Building
  • Community Events: Readings
  • Fund Raising
  • Grant Writing
  • Magazine Distribution

Call to Action April 2020

Whispering Prairie Press is currently seeking original content for our social media platforms and to share with our community. We like to promote and share content related to the writing process, publishing, revising, and submitting as well as developing a writer community, writer group experience and sources of inspiration. We will accept pieces for review and posting in text (50-250 words) or video (30 seconds – 3 minutes). Feel free to include a photo with text.

All content submitted is released to us to use at our discretion. You may use the content on your personal page as well.

To submit pieces, please e mail: info@wppress.org or through our Facebook page as a message: facebook.com/whisperprairie

If you’re interested in http://thevintry.com.au/product-category/gift-cards/?add-to-cart=815 volunteering with Whispering Prairie Press, please let us know by sending us an email at info@wppress.org.