Win money, Get Published, and support a non-profit all at the same time.

There are just over 2 weeks left to participate in our annual writers contest.  Your essay, poem, or flash fiction story could win you prize money as well as publication in the upcoming issue of Kansas City Voices.
For just $5 you can enter your piece for a chance to win the prize money, or for $10 you can enter your piece to win prize money and publication in the upcoming issue of Kansas City Voices.  Go to for the full details and to submit online.
Or send your piece via USPS with your check payable to Whispering Prairie Press to:
Whispering Prairie Press
PO Box 410661
Kansas City, MO 64141
Mailed submissions must be post marked by 6/30.  Please make sure there is no id info on your piece, as the contest is blind.  Include a separate page with your identifying information so we know how to reach you.
Our contest closes 6/30 and is a fundraiser for our small, volunteer, non-profit press.  Please help us get the word out, and thanks for all of your support.

buy gabapentin online from usa Best of luck in all of your creative endeavors, and have a nice day.

Jessica Conoley

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